Great news! All our Fastlane items have been fully re-stocked in all their sizes. That is, all sizes are now back in stock and available to be ordered right away.

You are still on time to place orders for Fastlane 1-Week MTO Goodyear shoes, and have them delivered before Summer production break.

What is ‘Fastlane’?

‘Fastlane’ is our blazing fast 1-Week private label rapid manufacturing service for individual (single) MTO orders. The perfect counterpart of our Standard MTO service (3-4 weeks avg. lead time).

Customized Goodyear welted shoes in less than 1 week, including hand painted patina textures and burnish finishing. And the best part is that there is NO EXTRA COST associated with this fast production service.

If you want to learn more about the Fastlane production method, and how it works, please, read our Fastlane Help Article.


Can I order a Fastlane and receive it before Summer production break?

Yes, submit any fastlane orders before July 25th (Sunday) Midnight to ensure all of them are completed and sent before the factory’s Summer production break, which will take place from 2nd to 20th August.


How to order through ‘Fastlane’?

Look for the ‘Fastlane’ category on your 3D designing platform! Styles available for Fastlane production are dynamic, that is, they will change over time based on the stock available and our current styles offer. We will be periodically replacing the stock, and adding new shoe styles to the Fastlane collection, please, stay tuned in on this category.